Friday, October 24, 2008

Rainy Days

Pitter patter. Drops of rain slowly fall on the cold concrete. Exploding into smaller droplets on contact. Beautiful mirrors of colour. Pinks, purples, and blues--all dancing in the light. They hold an audience frozen. There's something purifying in watching the light dance in the water. Slowly the dirt and debris slowly washes away, leaving clean streets and walks behind. Sound echoes in between the buildings. Eerie and beautiful. Nature's gift to human conquest over it. But unless one stops and listens, you'll miss the greatest symphony. People walk by not knowing or caring that they're missing one of history's greatest moments. A crescendo is heard as the light fall of rain turns into a deluge. Haunting, but still beautiful. Young girls and boys spill forth from buildings. Dancing and playing in the water falling heavily from the heavens. A gray curtain hiding the ugliness called humanity. However, it's because of the buildings that the beautiful songs and music can be created. Harkening back to a past that was simpler.

Then it stops. Silence reigns. Children pause, adults slow down. They realize that they just missed the greatest song. Their psyche longs to go back just even ten seconds. But the moment is lost and the magic swept away. Slowly life returns to normal as the sun shines on the water left behind. A tantalizing echo of what just occurred. Reflections bounce off roofs and streets, glaring in the eyes of those who glance at it.

And as rainbows fill the cracks and spaces, everyone forgets about the beauty that just took place. Appointments, duties, and needs fill their heads. And as the seconds fade away, the beauty of the moment disappears.

But yet, it lingers on, waiting for that next rainy day.

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